Ho realizzato questo piccolo centro unendo quattro cuori. Ormai avete capito che mi piace unire rosette o tutto ciò che, a parer mio, porta a qualche cosa di carino.
Si possono unire tutti i tipi di cuore; per unirne quattro è necessario che il vertice alla base di ciascuno sia di circa novanta gradi.
Questo è il cuore di partenza:

L'ho eseguito in un solo giro con due navette utilizzando la tecnica del falso nodo per i raccordi fra le tre rosette centrali.
Per evitare nodi iniziali, si riempie una navetta, non si taglia il filo, si srotola dal gomitolo una quantità di filo sufficiente per riempire la seconda navetta e poi si inizia a lavorare normalmente.
Potete trovare tanti modelli di cuori sul blog TATBiT TaTs
Buon lavoro a tutti.
Beautiful! I love the way the four hearts form a beautiful doily!
RispondiEliminaBeautiful !
RispondiEliminaThis is so beautiful. And I like the fact that the joins are minimized in the heart.
RispondiEliminaThe doily is really pretty. I didn't see the hearts immediately, but once I did I cannot NOT see them!
RispondiEliminaFox : )
Very pretty! Love the hearts doily!
RispondiEliminaCarla, your tatting is beautiful. I love the way your made the smaller heart motifs into a lovely doily. I think I'll add that to my list of motifs to make. Thank you for sharing!
RispondiEliminaBeautiful way to make the best of a small motif!
RispondiEliminaSo very pretty! I love the hearts!
RispondiEliminaWouuu!!!!!!!, me despisto un día, y subes esta maravilla,..... precioso tu trabajo, Carla!!!!
RispondiEliminaIncredible! Stunning! Beautiful tatting, Carla. Such a lovely and romantic doily. A perfect heirloom.
RispondiEliminaGorgeous tatting, gorgeous patterns - well done.
RispondiEliminaMany thanks to all my tatting friends.
RispondiEliminaI love your comments, they inspire me to continue to tat and post my works.
... e hai ottenuto un bellissimo quadrifoglio! Sarebbe interessante con del filo colorato, complimenti come sempre.
RispondiEliminaAs this is Teri's pattern I do not understand why it's got your name on the picture as a watermark. It is her pattern and her permission should be asked for. I hope you did ask Teri. If I saw my work used, changed and then with somebody else's name on it I would be VERY upset.
RispondiEliminaJane, I wondered why her name is on my work too? My permission was not asked for either, so this is a violation of my rights. Could this be the last straw and why my blog is now private? I wasn't going to say anything, but I'm not about to let Jane get beat up for defending me. I know what a true friend is! Thanks Jane!
RispondiEliminaHi Jane, hi Teri,
RispondiEliminapatterns are not copyrighted, so I can tat objects using your patterns without asking for permission because it's not needed.
I said in the post that it was taken from Teri's pattern. That's enough.
All the works are my creations (it doesn't matter if the pattern is taken from somebody else), that's why I put my watermark on them.
I love your blog but I'm sorry you are incorrect here - Patterns ARE copyrighted. You may tat that person's pattern but you may NOT claim it as your own - the pattern for the original heart is Teri's. Altering someone else's pattern in any way and then claiming it as your own is breaching copyright.
RispondiEliminaI didn't say the pattern was mine, I stated clearly it was Teri's
The works are mine, that's why I watermarked them.
Carla all patterns are copyrighted to the designer. That's a fact. Yes, you may use them for your own personal use and it is always polite to acknowledge your source. However in this case it looks to the reader (and I realise that there is a language problem here) that you are claiming the alterations (for which permission SHOULD have been obtained) as yours by putting the watermark on. I'm not sure why anybody puts watermarks on their pictures of tatted lace UNLESS they own the copyright to the actual pattern as it does cause upset and confusion as in this case.
RispondiEliminaDear Jane, Teri and Trayna, I could understand you speak Italian fluently because Carla's blog is in this language and before accusing her you understand completely what she wrote. Carla hadn't ever written that this pattern was created by herself. You can note that Carla wrote the link to Tatbits's blog, Teri decided that her blog has to be private: well when a person will try to access to that link will have a bad suprise, but noone can say Teri "you are making a mistake."
RispondiEliminaCarla is no incorrecte here: she realized the hearts, she took a photo, she is the author of this realization(you can note Carla has no written "pattern is mine" she wrote "I did it"- she added teri's link), she can put her name!
If I do a copy of a famous picture, as for example Gioconda by Leonardo da Vinci, I CAN put my signature specifing I only made a copy!!
This happened to me: I posted a 4clover bookmark I did, using a Iris Niebach's pattern modified by me; I often use a watermark. Iris wrote me she was so happy seeing that!
to end in Jan Stawasz's site there is a part dedicate to violing copyright: reading that everyone can understand Carla is not wrong.
hugs to everyone!